UCLG World Congress and Habitat III Summit (Bogota and Quito)

The 12-15 October will take place the 5th Congress of UCLG in Bogota, ahead of the UN Conference on sustainable urban development and housing - Habitat III to be held from 17 to 20 in Quito. The Committee will participate in both events, in the framework of its advocacy activities in favor of strengthening fiscal decentralization worldwide and facilitating the dialogue on local finances between levels of governments, and between many types of stakeholders. The Committee will also launch, first in Bogota and then in Quito, the first contribution to the Global Observatory on Local Finances, a publication co-realized with the OECD,titled: Subnational governments around the world, structure and Finance. Please find below the detailed agenda of the Committee: ** 5th UCLG Congress (Bogota, October 12-15) - Policy Dialogue “Financing the New Urban Agenda” (October 14, 18 pm – 18.30 pm). - Workshop “Local resources and public investment” (October 14, 11 am – 12.30 pm). - Learning Forum “Local Finance, Inclusive Governance and Participatory Budgets” (October 14, 09 am – 10.30 am). Co-organized jointly with the International Observatory for Participatory Democracy (IOPD), the UCLG Committee on Local Finances for Development and the UCLG World Secretariat. ** Habitat III Conference (Quito, October 15-20) - Networking Event "Financing the New Urban Agenda: Towards the creation of a Global Observatory on Local Finances" (October 17, 16.30 pm - 18.30 pm)
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