Innovations en terme de financement du développement urbain durable en Asie
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Innovations en terme de financement du développement urbain durable en Asie
Bonne pratiques de financement des gouvernements locaux et régionaux basées sur recommandations clés
Une publication de CGLU Asie-Pacifique, en partenariat avec la Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA)
This monograph entitled “Asian Innovations in
Financing Sustainable Urban Development ” is an
initial attempt to document and share with the Asian
cities and local governments, a range of initiatives
– BEST PRACTICES – that local governments in
Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, and
the Philippines have taken to improve their habitat and
to address challenges such as environment protection,
infrastructure rehabilitation, flood risks, city’s resilience
to climate change, energy-saving, local level capacities,
participation, transparency and enhancing resource
mobilization. Perusal of the “Best Practices” shows
that local governments are central to addressing
challenges of the kind stated here, that they have the
requisite knowledge and capacity to spur changes
that are often so essential to local area development,
and that they can, with the application of appropriate
planning, leverage resources and bridge the gap that
exists between resources that are needed and the
resources local governments are able to raise. The
“Best Practices” contained here demonstrate that there
is much potential at the local level which is awaiting
to be tapped, if only we would direct our attention to
capacity development and building some autonomy
with local governments to enable them to determine
their resource-mobilization and development